Finding your company file and other file tips

Over the lifespan of QuickBooks for Mac, a lot of users have asked a lot of questions about working with their company file. "Help!? I can't find where I saved my company file!" or "Where should I back up my file?" Here's our best advice: If you … [Read more...]

Pitfalls of managing your business by bank balance

Many small business owners make financial decisions based on how much cash they have in the bank. Unfortunately, there are a number of pitfalls to managing your business this way. Let’s explore some ways that business owners manage by bank balance, … [Read more...]

Tips for getting off to a smooth start with QuickBooks

QuickBooks is designed to capture and reflect what happens in real life. It takes care of accounting so you can focus on what happens in your day-to-day business. The tips in this article will help you get the most out of QuickBooks with the fewest … [Read more...]

QuickBooks Defined: Transactions

In the QuickBooks world, we talk about transactions a lot. In the simplest of terms, any time money changes hands, invoice a customer so they will pay you, write a check to pay a vendor or deposit money into your bank account, it’s a … [Read more...]

QuickBooks Defined: Single user mode vs. multiuser mode

Starting with QuickBooks 2011 for Mac, you have two choices in the way different people can work on your company file: single user mode and multiuser mode. Single user mode: Wait your turn If QuickBooks is running in single user mode, any number of … [Read more...]

Video: Setting up multiuser

Will Lynes, Product Manager for QuickBooks for Mac, describes how to set up a multiuser environment in QuickBooks 2011 for Mac. Using QuickBooks in multiuser mode, more than one user can work in your company file at the same … [Read more...]

QuickBooks Defined: Items

When the QuickBooks term “items” comes up, many users immediately think “inventory”—that is, things that retail businesses sell. Service business owners may wonder why they need to fool around with items, since they sell services rather than physical … [Read more...]

Bartering: Yes, you’ve got to track it

The difficult economic climate of recent years has led more businesses to use barter transactions, in which they trade their products and services for products and services from other businesses. Many business owners wrongly assume they don't need to … [Read more...]

Suffering from “post-tax blues” this year?

Every business is different—depending on your industry, size, and other factors—but when it comes to paying taxes, most small- to medium-sized businesses have a lot in common. We recently finished a very busy tax season, and afterwards, many business … [Read more...]

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