It’s common for small business owners to measure their financial health based on their income statement or bank account balance. They deem their business “fit” if the bottom line looks good. To reveal why this approach can be deceptive, let’s apply a … [Read more...]
About Kelly Totten
Kelly Totten is the CrackerJack Accountant helping creatives grow their businesses. See all of Kelly's articles
Is your business overweight?
10 tips for a cash flow crisis
Sometimes, even when you’ve done everything possible to be a good cash manager, you run into a problem. There are steps you can take to skillfully weather your cash crisis. Determine the cause of the problem – If it’s just a timing issue, you … [Read more...]
I’m a banker, you’re a banker: Extending credit to customers
I really don't want to be a banker and I'm guessing you don't either. In reality, however, any business with accounts receivable is acting as a banker. When you provide products or services to clients before collecting payment, you're extending … [Read more...]
Pitfalls of managing your business by bank balance
Many small business owners make financial decisions based on how much cash they have in the bank. Unfortunately, there are a number of pitfalls to managing your business this way. Let’s explore some ways that business owners manage by bank balance, … [Read more...]
Bartering: Yes, you’ve got to track it
The difficult economic climate of recent years has led more businesses to use barter transactions, in which they trade their products and services for products and services from other businesses. Many business owners wrongly assume they don't need to … [Read more...]
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