Checklists make work faster and easier, and even a simple checklist can save you hours of time at year-end. A Year-End Checklist Saves time: Your checklist helps you do each step in order, keep from back-tracking, duplicating work, or doing … [Read more...]
Is your business overweight?
It’s common for small business owners to measure their financial health based on their income statement or bank account balance. They deem their business “fit” if the bottom line looks good. To reveal why this approach can be deceptive, let’s apply a … [Read more...]
Right Angle: Creating Perfect 1099s–An Expert’s Guide
You may be ready to do your own 1099s, or to do your clients' 1099s, but is the QuickBooks data you're working with ready for you? You've heard about the 1099 rule changes and you've figured them out, you've decided to file 1099s electronically or … [Read more...]
I’m a banker, you’re a banker: Extending credit to customers
I really don't want to be a banker and I'm guessing you don't either. In reality, however, any business with accounts receivable is acting as a banker. When you provide products or services to clients before collecting payment, you're extending … [Read more...]
Importing PayPal transactions into QuickBooks for Mac
PayPal is everywhere. Over eight million businesses use PayPal to process their credit card transactions and the numbers keep growing. Manually recording PayPal transactions in QuickBooks for Mac can be time-consuming and tricky, especially for … [Read more...]
Cash vs. accrual-based accounting: What does it mean?
In my opinion, one of QuickBooks’ best features is its ability to run financial reports like a Profit and Loss Report on both a cash and accrual basis. But I’m often asked by my clients “What does that mean? What is Cash vs. Accrual?” I’ll try to … [Read more...]
Why it’s best to keep your QuickBooks file all business
[Editor's note: We get asked a lot of questions about mixing personal and business finances in QuickBooks, and we always give the same one-word answer: don't. So we asked QuickBooks guru Jonathan Bello to explain why.] So I've been asked to give … [Read more...]
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