It’s common for small business owners to measure their financial health based on their income statement or bank account balance. They deem their business “fit” if the bottom line looks good. To reveal why this approach can be deceptive, let’s apply a … [Read more...]
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Is your business overweight?
March 18, 2012 by Kelly Totten
Filed Under: Featured Articles, From the experts, Reports, Running Your Business Tagged With: accounting, balance sheet, balance sheet account, balance sheets, bank account balance, business, business health, cost of goods sold, debt, equity, expense, Expenses, finance, financial health, financial statements, generally accepted accounting principles, income statement, matching principle, net profit, revenue, statements, your business
Bartering: Yes, you’ve got to track it
August 22, 2010 by Kelly Totten

The difficult economic climate of recent years has led more businesses to use barter transactions, in which they trade their products and services for products and services from other businesses. Many business owners wrongly assume they don't need to … [Read more...]
Filed Under: Customers and jobs, Featured Articles, From the experts, Getting Paid, Paying Others, Vendors Tagged With: barter, barter exchange, bartering, business, business expense, business owner, commerce, exchange, expense, fair market value, for mac, internal revenue service, invest, keeping, market, price, quickbooks, track, trade, trading, transaction
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