QuickBooks is designed to capture and reflect what happens in real life. It takes care of accounting so you can focus on what happens in your day-to-day business. The tips in this article will help you get the most out of QuickBooks with the fewest headaches.
Start out simpleWhile QuickBooks can handle all the complexity your business can throw at it, for now create only the accounts and items you need to get going. Then add more as necessary. |
Back up! Back up! Back up!There is no such thing as too many backups. You should back up your company file at the end of each session or each day. You can back up to a network drive, external drive, CD, or iCloud. It’s a good idea, before you do anything in QuickBooks that you’re unfamiliar with, to make a backup first. |
Try it in the sample file firstQuickBooks has sample data files that you can use as examples for setting up your own QuickBooks company file. The sample files contain items and services typically performed by particular business types. You can use these files to try out new features you may not be familiar with. It’s good to experiment with data that’s not critical to you business. |
Streamline your listsYou can hide items you no longer use. This makes managing your lists easier and enables you to easily find what you really care about. Remember that once you’ve created and used an item in a transaction, you can’t delete it, even if you no longer use or sell that item. |
Save time by memorizingWhenever you change the settings for a report, you can record those changes by saving the report in the Memorized Report list. Then when you want to create a similar report, you can just go to the Memorized Report list to reuse those settings. |
Ask for helpIf you don’t know something, don’t hesitate to ask someone who does — it can save you a lot of time.