We’ve added some great enhancements for 2021. We hope you find them useful! Automated Payment Reminders: Send payment reminder emails to your clients with increased efficiency.Combine Multiple Emails: Instead of sending multiple emails to one … [Read more...]
Video: Mileage-tracking for taxes and client billing
Tracking miles for taxes and client billing can be an extremely useful tool. While this feature isn't new to QuickBooks, there are some recent changes that will make this process even more efficient in QuickBooks Desktop 2020. Ready to learn more? … [Read more...]
Video: iPhone Scanner in QuickBooks Desktop Mac 2020
In QuickBooks 2020, you can use your iPhone's camera to upload images to QuickBooks. Learn more in the following video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=keGk9ZQZfxA Video Script QuickBooks Desktop Mac allows you to attach photos and … [Read more...]
Video: Enhanced Reports in QuickBooks Desktop for Mac 2019
Reports in 2019 display a new, modernized look. Learn about these enhancements in the following video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ubRuXuiORBc Video Script QuickBooks 2019 modernized Reports with a refreshed, clean design. This new … [Read more...]
Video: Receiving payment and depositing a check
In this video, watch how Wally tracks a payment he's received from his client, Hannah. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HVpVpebdYbU Video script Last week, Wally the Web Designer sent one of his customers, Hannah, an invoice for the work he did to … [Read more...]
Video: Using estimates, invoices, and receive payments to get paid
In this video, you'll see how Wally the web designer creates an estimate, invoices, then receives payment for work that he does. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9bU4t5FBcZg Video script: Web Designer Wally is looking for work! Hannah, who owns a … [Read more...]
Video: Creating an invoice in QuickBooks 2013
In this video, watch how Wally uses QuickBooks for Mac to invoice a customer for work he's done for her. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uR8aFbrseUM Video Script Wally’s finished his work on the new web site he designed and built for Hannah’s … [Read more...]
Importing items into QuickBooks
Even though you're new to QuickBooks, you may not be new to running your business. If you have a list of products or services you sell in a spreadsheet, you can import that information into QuickBooks. I'll show you how in this … [Read more...]
Importing contacts into QuickBooks for Mac
If you've been in business for a while before buying QuickBooks for Mac, you probably have contacts saved in Address Book or a spreadsheet. In QuickBooks for Mac, you can import your contacts so you don't have to enter them manually. It'll save you a … [Read more...]
Video: Creating a sales receipt in QuickBooks 2012
You're probably already familiar with sales receipts. Just about anytime you buy anything, you get a record of what you've bought and what you paid for those items. In QuickBooks, you can create sales receipts for your customers to track a sale when … [Read more...]
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