If you pay them, they’re a vendor. Vendors are people or companies you pay because you’ve bought things from them or they’ve provided a service for you. A vendors can be the electric company, a the supplier where you buy inventory, or the contractor you hired to help you with a project.
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Video: Entering a bill for items you’ve received
This video shows you how to enter a bill for items that you've ordered using a purchase order (PO). https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L6LdC_Klcj8&feature=youtu.be Video script: In this example, we’ll enter a bill for trees that we ordered … [Read more...]
Video: Entering your bills
In this video, watch how Hannah enters her bill so she knows exactly what she needs to pay other people. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EK7DuW-FyVI Video script Small business owner Hannah recently hired Wally the Web designer to give her magic … [Read more...]
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Bartering: Yes, you’ve got to track it
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Getting personal with custom fields
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