Good articles around Intuit

Dear readers, I've been taking a little time away from posting new content on Little Square to do some research for articles and videos that we will be publishing soon. In the meantime, I've run across some other articles around Intuit that I wanted … [Read more...]

Contacts and QuickBooks: Syncing your contacts

You can drag and drop your contacts from Apple's Contacts app into any contact list in QuickBooks. You can also set up Contact Sync in order to sync your contact information between Contacts and QuickBooks. Then, anything else you sync with Contacts, … [Read more...]

Tracking orders for the items you need

No matter what business you're in, you need stuff. Even if you're a service provider and not a retailer, you still need supplies and other things to keep your business going. So you're going to need to track down what you've ordered, any bills you've … [Read more...]

Grappling with sales tax? QuickBooks can help

If you sell stuff, sales tax is part of your life. Ugh. Oh, I mean, lucky you! OK, I tried to be upbeat, but there's really no way around the fact that sales tax takes a bite out of your donut. But QuickBooks can make it easier for you, even if … [Read more...]

Payroll: I want to do it myself

For some of you out there, you might be bummed that QuickBooks for Mac (2012 and earlier) doesn't offer a manual method to process payroll. But there's still a way you can track payroll expenses and liabilities and generate paychecks for your … [Read more...]

QuickBooks checklist: Periodic tasks that make your life easier

You know how if you don't keep up with the housework, things getting out of control and pretty soon you're spending all weekend doing 500 loads of laundry? You may be thinking, "If I'd just taken a few minutes to do the little things, I wouldn't be … [Read more...]

Video: QuickReport is an easy way to get to report data

The QuickBooks for Mac team shows you a feature you may not know about: QuickReport. You can access QuickReport in many of the lists in QuickBooks to get to report data without having to go to the Reports … [Read more...]

Why it’s best to keep your QuickBooks file all business

[Editor's note: We get asked a lot of questions about mixing personal and business finances in QuickBooks, and we always give the same one-word answer: don't. So we asked QuickBooks guru Jonathan Bello to explain why.] So I've been asked to give … [Read more...]

Tips for avoiding some newbie mistakes

Editor's note: Our friends over at QuickBooks for Windows wrote this piece for Windows users. Seeing a great idea, we ripped it off and Mac-ified it for you. Here's a shout out to the awesome Jonathan Brubaker who created the original article for … [Read more...]

Video: Overview of the Customer Center

In this video, I show you how to add customers and jobs using the Customer Center. In QuickBooks, a customer is anyone who pays you for goods or services. A job is a specific project or scope of work that you want to track. We’re going to dig into … [Read more...]

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