Video: Entering a bill for items you’ve received

This video shows you how to enter a bill for items that you’ve ordered using a purchase order (PO). 

Video script:

In this example, we’ll enter a bill for trees that we ordered using a purchase order and have now received from the vendor.

When we select the vendor, QuickBooks lets us know that an open purchase order exists for this vendor and asks if we’d like to receive against an order. Once we click Yes, QuickBooks displays any open purchase orders for the vendor. Then, we can select the purchase order for which the items were received.

Under the Items tab for the bill, we see all the items that this vendor ordered under this purchase order. We can make changes to this information. For instance if we received only some of the items we ordered, then we can change the quantity.

From this window we can select a different purchase order, view the PO that’s associated with this bill, or clear quantities. Clearing quantities can be useful if we only received a couple of the items we ordered from the vendor. In this case, we can then change the quantity for just those items. However, since we received all of the trees that we ordered, we’ll keep the information as is and click Save. Once we do that, we’re ready to pay the bill. When we go back and view the purchase order, we’ll see it is now stamped with “Received in Full.” Now we know that the bill has been entered and we’ve received all of the items.

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