This video shows you how to enter a bill for items that you've ordered using a purchase order (PO). Video script: In this example, we’ll enter a bill for trees that we ordered … [Read more...]
Video: Entering a bill for items you’ve received
Video: Entering your bills

In this video, watch how Hannah enters her bill so she knows exactly what she needs to pay other people. Video script Small business owner Hannah recently hired Wally the Web designer to give her magic … [Read more...]
Video: Paying your bills

Watch how Hannah uses QuickBooks for Mac to track and pay her bill payments. Video Script It’s that time—the first month’s rent on Hannah’s store is due, so she needs to enter and pay her rent. She opens … [Read more...]
Using the 1099 Wizard to create 1099s

If you’re reading this, it’s probably tax time and you have some 1099-forms to file. Luckily, we have a wizard to guide you through the process of reviewing, preparing, and printing or e-filing your 1099s. Here's what you need to do to use the 1099 … [Read more...]
QuickBooks 2010 Tutorials: Basic Tasks
These videos were included with QuickBooks 2010 for Mac. If you're using the latest version, QuickBooks 2011 for Mac, these videos may still be useful for you. There were only minor changes for Quickbooks 2011 for Mac in these areas. Creating an … [Read more...]
Video: Paying Vendors

Ben Hess (small business owner and video producer) talks about how he pays his vendors by either writing a check or entering bills in QuickBooks for Mac. This is one of a series of videos, produced by QuickBooks for Mac and Bay Area Pictures, to help … [Read more...]
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