Getting paid

Money…aaaahhh. It feels so good to get paid, doesn’t it? Look for articles and videos here about how to get money coming into your business, which we can all probably agree is the best direction for the money to go.

There’s not a lot here yet, but there will be. Stay tuned for more on this topic.

Most recent articles

Bartering: Yes, you’ve got to track it

The difficult economic climate of recent years has led more businesses to use barter transactions, in which they trade their products and services for products and services from other businesses. Many business owners wrongly assume they don't need to … [Read more...]

Estimates: Bidding on the future

Estimates are what you tell a customer you think you will charge for your work. You’ve probably received estimates yourself from service providers, like a plumber or the guy who fixes your computer. In other words, estimates can be your first step … [Read more...]

Getting personal with custom fields

As a small business owner, you already know that a personal touch can mean the difference between a great profit year and a mediocre break-even season. With custom fields, QuickBooks can help you track those personal details that boost your bottom … [Read more...]

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