Getting paid

Money…aaaahhh. It feels so good to get paid, doesn’t it? Look for articles and videos here about how to get money coming into your business, which we can all probably agree is the best direction for the money to go.

There’s not a lot here yet, but there will be. Stay tuned for more on this topic.

Most recent articles

Bad debt: What to do when you don’t get paid

Is there anything worse than a customer who doesn’t pay you? OK, maybe a bounced check, but not getting paid at all is just so bad. Then you’ve got that invoice or statement just hanging around in QuickBooks. Well, I can’t get your customers to pay … [Read more...]

Video: Receiving payments in QuickBooks 2012

Your customer has sent you a payment. Sweet! Now it's time to record that payment in QuickBooks. In this video, I'll show you how to use Receive Payments to enter money a customer has paid … [Read more...]

Video: Creating a sales receipt in QuickBooks 2012

You're probably already familiar with sales receipts. Just about anytime you buy anything, you get a record of what you've bought and what you paid for those items. In QuickBooks, you can create sales receipts for your customers to track a sale when … [Read more...]

Video: Progress invoicing in QuickBooks 2012

Editor's note: This shows you progress invoicing in QuickBooks 2012, but if you have QuickBooks 2011 or earlier, there's a manual method for invoicing over time. To use this feature, be sure you have Estimates and Progress Invoicing turned on in … [Read more...]

Video: Creating an invoice in QuickBooks 2012

This is the first in a series of videos we'll be publishing over the next couple of weeks showing you the new features in QuickBooks for Mac 2012. In this video, I'll show you how to create an invoice with our new forms interface. You'll see changes … [Read more...]

I’m a banker, you’re a banker: Extending credit to customers

I really don't want to be a banker and I'm guessing you don't either. In reality, however, any business with accounts receivable is acting as a banker.  When you provide products or services to clients before collecting payment, you're extending … [Read more...]

How do I invoice a customer for expenses?

We had a question on our Facebook page about how to invoice a customer for reimbursed of expenses. Turns out, it's pretty easy. Well, the billing part anyway. Getting the customer to actually send you a check is another … [Read more...]

Sales summary: When you don’t need to track every little thing

Here’s a situation. You own a coffee shop. In an hour, you may have 25 customers come in and order anything from a decaf, lowfat, iced latte with two pumps of sugar free vanilla syrup (not that that I know anyone who does that:-) to just a simple cup … [Read more...]

My Time: A free app for time-tracking

If you’re in the business of providing a service, such as a web designer or an animal trainer, you probably charge your clients by the hour. So, just for you, the QuickBooks for Mac team built a free app you can use to track your time and import it … [Read more...]

Contacts and QuickBooks: Syncing your contacts

You can drag and drop your contacts from Apple's Contacts app into any contact list in QuickBooks. You can also set up Contact Sync in order to sync your contact information between Contacts and QuickBooks. Then, anything else you sync with Contacts, … [Read more...]

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